Exhibitions and Public Programmes
Weaving Memory
11.12.2024-9.2.2025, Lidice Gallery - ArtLab
Paměť je těžko uchopitelná, fragmentovaná věc. Je to nepřetržitý akt přetváření, převyprávění a polo-zapomínání.
Weaving Memory invites the public to reflect on the fragility of our ability to remember. We think of memory as slippery and fragmented—a continuous act of reshaping, retelling, and half-forgetting. The exhibition explores the intricate nature of remembrance and the silences and gaps that emerge when it inevitably falters in the face of profound loss through Maaria Wirkkala's 'Memory Board' (2015) and Astrid Klein's 'Omitted' (1995).
"What memories do we choose to carry with us? What do we choose to suppress? And how do we navigate the absences we leave behind?" asks Italian Chiara Gargiuli, Turkish Sinem Cerrah, German Anna Blahaut and Slovak Dominika Jarečná, four exhibition curators. Chiara, Sinem, Anna and Dominika are the four participants of the pilot residency programme for emerging curators and workers at the Lidice Art Collection.
Weaving Memory is a culmination of the Solidarity Knows No Borders Residency Programme. The residency project has been selected under conditions by Culture Moves Europe, a project funded by the European Union and implemented by Goethe-Institut.
Miloslav Vorlíček, Head of the Residency Programmes at the Lidice Art Collection, says, "We are extremely pleased that the residents have accepted the challenge of organising an exhibition during their time in Lidice. It is inspiring to see how emerging curators from afar approach the legacy of Lidice and find new meanings and connections in the art collection." He adds, "We are also very grateful that the European Union supports such important programmes that enable young people to develop their talents and contribute to the preservation and reinterpretation of historical and cultural heritage for future generations."
Weaving Memory opens on Tuesday, 10 December 2024, at 5 pm at the Lidice Gallery – Lidice Memorial, Tokajická 152, 273 54 Lidice. Two guided tours will take place during the opening: the first will be led by the curators-in-residence from 17:30, followed by a guided tour of the collection led by curator Miloslav Vorlíček.
The residency project Solidarity Knows No Borders Residency Programme has been selected under conditions by Culture Moves Europe, a project funded by the European Union and implemented by Goethe-Institut. This work is produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.